Updates and such
We all know I suck at maintaining my blog, but every now and then I throw one together. Obviously, at the moment I have a little more...
Coming May 1st!
I try not to bore all of you with blog posts about writing too frequently. Because let's be honest, I don't want to give away my story...
Happy 10th Birthday and New Year wishes
Ten years ago at this time I was in labor and managed to get my epidural just in time to ring in the new year of 2008. Alafair was born...
YouTube interview
Check out the really fun interview I got the chance to do with fellow Appalachian author Luke Bauserman, and while you're at it buy his...
The awful, the beautiful, the hard.
Today, I am attending a funeral for one of the saddest reasons possible. After I leave there I'm going to celebrate one of my beautiful...
Two Things
One- Here is a link to an interview I had the pleasure of doing with my friend and fellow author Cyrus Alderwood for a local television...
The Witch
The Witch Soft as lamb’s ear Sharp as honey locust thorn She prowls around at midnight The time when witches are born She gathers her...
Dark Side release party
My release party was a great success, not because I sold a lot of books (although I sold plenty). It was because I had so many good...
Seeing the good/God in others
I’ve always enjoyed being different, being myself, even if that made other people look at me strangely. As a teen it was wearing lots of...
So They Say...
So they say... They say black panthers don’t live in this part of the country. But the people that say that don’t live around here....